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Hi I'm Nat :D I'm currently inlove so my posts are mostly jiwang, haha :D

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
6:52 AM
OMG, lama gila tak blog ! Life has been kinda rockey lately. I've been really moody. And last two weeks, masa cuti, I had loads of fun. I went out a lot. With Fidot xD We went buka puasa-ing and and we went shpping :D wuhuu. Best gila tau cuti tu. But now he's having his trials lagiii. TAK BEST ! haha. I havent been into class at all since cuti hbs. Today was my first day going into class. All coz of Y.E.P -.- babi betul. We had to buat 2 000 notebooks . And yes, TWO THOUSAND okayy. Babi memenatkan ! and with bio folio kena buat semuaa. Oh oh, talking about bio, nnti nak bedah a mice on thursday ! YEAAAAAAAAAAY ! xD tak sabar. wuhuuu. hahah. im not really in a mood to blog. so imma blog some other time. See ya !

6:52 AM

hey, lets talk
Monday, August 17, 2009
9:43 AM
So I had a talk with my friend today. Coz she was having some problems with her boyfie. So yeahhh . And she told me apa jadi suma when her boyfie called. And I realised that the convo that she had with him, is the exact convo fidot and I would have when we fight. I would be so keras kepala, and wouldnt stop assuming and he would say things like "kalau I nak bla, I dah bla lama dah" or things like that. And I think, any guy yang ckp cmtu to a girl, that means he loves her like gddamn much. It dsnt really matter how he says it, coz if he dsnt mean it, he wont even bother to say it. Ya dig ? okay, im merepeking alot these days.

And that made me realise how much Fidot loves me doh. I mean, its not like I hvnt, but now I knw for sure dohh. And I love him with all my heart, and I know I'll love him forever. I just know it. Im missing him so much right now, coz I havnt seen him since Saturday. :( But he's having exam, and I want him to focus.

*if you're reading this sayang. I just want to let youu know that I love you so much okay. And I know I've been treating you like shit, but sumpah, I didnt mean to.

Sunday, August 16, 2009
9:47 AM
I don't know if I can yell any louder
How many time I've kicked you outta here?
Or said something insulting?

I can be so mean when I wanna be
I am capable of really anything
I can cut you into pieces
But my heart is broken

How did I become so obnoxious?
What is it with you that makes me act like this?
I've never been this nasty
Da da da, da da

Can't you tell that this is all just a contest?
The one that wins will be the one that hits the hardest
But baby I don't mean it
I mean it, I promise
Da da da, da da

I forgot to say out loud how beautiful you really are to me
I cannot be without, you're my perfect little punching bag
And I need you, I'm sorry

Please don't leave me
Please don't leave me
I always say how I don't need you
But it's always gonna come right back to this
Please, don't leave me

I've been a really bad girlfriend, always taking it out on him, getting mad over stupid things, Im sorry. I dont tell you that I need you enough. But I do. And yre my everything, and I love you so much.

Friday, August 14, 2009
6:18 AM
OMG, today hyper gilaaa. hahah. Aliah terpaling hyper kot O: And layan gila buat add maths today, although banyak salah. hahaha. :D And we went to rehat early coz i wanted to see fidot, hehe :D His SPM trials just started so yeah. And dia punya rehat awal today. so yeah. And then we had English. I thought she was gnna be in a really bad mood today. But she wasnt. We talked about lovers sumaa. And I confessed that I'm inlove. hahahah. And she was like, "from which school ? what happened? ". AHAHAH.

And then we had chem. BOSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. And I had glitter in my pencil box. Dah la banyak gila. And I started throwing some glitter onto Aliah. Sumpah banyak gilaa Aliah kena. haha. And it became a glitter fight between Amer, Aliah and I. But Aliah kena paling banyak. ahhha.

Then hyper gilaa ah. Cam biasaaaaa :D :D and blk. Im bored now, and I cant kacau my hubby coz he's studying. He has add maths tomorrow. :( GOODLUCK HUBBY ! :D

One in a million
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
8:32 PM
Here's the thing about Fidot,

He's funny, and he is manja, and no way he is stronger than me. Haha. He's half of my size -.- And I dont think he can ever carry me. HAHAHA. But thats not important, coz he's caring and loving and I never want to lose him.

He's so adorable when he is shy, you can see it in his smile. Hehe. When he's emo, his smile is hardly even a smile, its like a really big frown, and its ugly. And I would tell him "I know there's smtg wrong, I can see it in your smile" and he would just smile harder. And it'll just look uglier. Haha. And when he lies, his smile is a bit like when he's shy, but its like cheekier. Haha. Sumpah. Comel gila.

He talks a lot. And he likes to cut people off while they're talking and its so annoying. But he doesnt realise it and some how, I find that cute too. Hahha.

His jokes are not sensitive at all, but Azam's jokes are worse. HAHAHA. But its damn funny, and stupid. Everytime we fight, he would make stupid jokes, and I'll try so hard to not laugh at it. Haha.

He's amazing in many ways. He makes me laugh, he makes me cry, he makes me feel happy and loved. Lets just say, he's perfect for me.

Rapping Competition
Friday, August 7, 2009
4:23 AM
Anyway, last night was F-U-N. HAHAHAH. How lame was that ? -.- Amelia and I wanted to have a picnic yesterday, but tak jadi. -.- So we ate at her house :D She cooked lasagna (I SUCK AT SPELLING) and I brought MANGO JUICE xD Hahahah. Then we talked and talked, then dah maghrib. And she ajak tido rumah, so I did :D :D My dad hmpr tak bagi -.-' We went to her uncle's house, kat Ara Damansara, i think. Coz ada this thingie but tak jadi so we just ate. And then we went to mcd with anuar and 2 of her cousins jugak. Okay laa :D Then we got home and started rapping to
Eminem's song. HAHAHA. sumpah takde kerja. And we recorded us rapping and singing some other shit. Haha. Lawak ahh. (: And then Amy slept at 3++ and I think I slept at 4++ I couldnt sleep coz I drank coffee at Amy's uncle's house -.- haha. So yeah.

And tadi bgn awal gila, like 9. HAHA. And mandi sumaa. And then her mom cooked lamb and fish and chips :D I ate the lamb, nyummyy. I love lamb. hahah. Then tgk tv, and I went back. Coz my dad tak bagi blk lmbt :(

Now Im fucking bored and fucking emo. -.- I dont know why. Sigh. Horrible images are running trhough my mind. And I cant get it out.